ZonKeepers is a full service Accounting Firm, which specialises in eCommerce businesses.
As we are Australian based, we are well positioned to help you to ensure that you meet your Australian taxation obligations.

What do I need to sell in Australia?
You must have an ABN
(Australian Business Number)
You might have to register for GST
(Goods and Services Tax)

What's an ABN?
An ABN is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business to the government and community.
You can use an ABN to:
Identify your business to others when ordering and invoicing
Claim goods and services tax (GST) credits
Get an Australian domain name
Your ABN registration is a one off event, it takes at least 28 days for the government to process
​You must register for GST in Australia if:
You are carrying on a business or enterprise
AND your GST turnover from sales connected with Australia in your enterprise is equal to, or greater than the registration turnover threshold of A$75,000.
You also have the option to voluntarily register for GST.
To see if that makes sense for you, give us a call.​

We can help ensure that you have everything that you need to be compliant with Australian Tax Law
Registration for ABN and GST
Retrieval of financial data and calculations of NET GST (after credits)
Remittance of Quarterly GST to the ATO on behalf
Correspondence with ATO in relation to GST matters only
(up to 1 hour /month)